Salt Prints III

I had an interesting 5×12 image that is not very sharp due to wind that seemed to look better with toning. It made me wonder if the natural softness of salt printing would also enhance it so I decided to pull out the Alt Box of chemicals and give it a try. I coated HPR […]

The work avoided

My mindset phrase for 2024 is “The magic you are seeking is in the work you are avoiding.” When it comes to photography there are so many options and levels of achievement that each person has to decide what photography means to them. How much time and energy do we want to invest and for […]

Inspiration 2023

I have not photographed much since middle of 2022. However in December 2023 my wife and I bought a mountain house in the community of Big Canoe Georgia. Just going there on the weekends and exploring the mountains, lakes, trails, and creeks has inspired me to get out and shoot again. There is also a […]

Lobotype POP Printing

Looking for winter activities I stumbled into Alternative Print processes and fell in love with the workflow, plus I can do it indoors. Salt printing has its challenges and takes a long time for each print. I came across some images by Wolfgang Moersh, the guru of toning and alt chemicals, he had labeled as […]

Salt Printing Update

I have been experimenting a bit more with Salt Printing and am finally seeing some better results. I made some drastic changes based on some good advice from other current practitioners. Coating Someone suggested the paper I was using may need sizing to allow the chemistry to sit on top of the paper rather than […]

Salt Print First Attempt

IN the 1840s Henry Talbot Fox created a light sensitive paper coating using Salt water and Silver Nitrate to produce photogenic images. Today in November of 2021 I tried my hand at Salt printing and it was mostly a failure. I bought the Bostick and Sullivan kit and some Hahnemuhle Platinum rag paper and followed […]

SMA Salvaging a Cursed Image

I saw a great shot of a Covered bridge in square format which felt very constrained and wanted to go shoot it in 5×12. So I picked a cloudy day and head out for another Sunday Morning Adventure. I get lost on the way there and of course it is in the middle of nowhere […]

Toning with Thiourea 2021 Tutorial

I had a couple of images I wanted to tone brown using Thiourea. I took some iphone shots along the way and decided to make this tutorial. This is an easy to mix toner and simple process. Below are the steps I followed and decisions made along the way. All of these steps can be […]

Using Photoshop to plan darkroom work

Every once in a while an image needs some extra work in the darkroom to bring out the best that the print can be. While Photoshop (PS) can be used to output the image as a print, it can also be used to help map out what changes need to be made while burning, dodging, […]

Obsidian Aqua – Film test

In my previous article, Obsidian Aqua first mix, I described how I mixed 200ml Part A at 1/2 strength and created what I now will refer to as OA/2-A. For my film test I needed a part B and I still have plenty of part B from Pyrocat HD mixes which are 750g/liter of Potassium […]